Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Update on the Halloween MegaScrap - Prizes and Shopping

If you haven't already booked your ticket for the Halloween MegaScrap, there are only a few places left, so don't be disappointed and book yours today!

The class kits are on their way and we're counting down the last few weeks to the event. It's going to be a brilliant, inspiring day so don't miss out.

We're delighted to be able to offer you a range of shopping options at the event.

As well as we have:

The Crafteire Shop

and Kelly Papercrafts to tempt you.

Everyone who attends will receive a ticket for the MegaScrap Raffle with prizes sponsored by Irish craft shops such as:

Treasure Bin

Inspiring Ideas

Art 'n' Hobby

and Herma/A-Pak

1 comment:

Tigger's rambling said...

Whoo hoo.....I can't wait :-)